Wednesday, December 16, 2009



Scripture sheds light on the reality we are experiencing today. The reality of the harm we are doing to our universe.

Despite the rumours of a scam with regard to the source, the cause of climate change – primarily in the form of global warming, the facts and the visuals far outweigh any doubts one would like to muster. The doubts are, in reality, a form of blindsiding, wishful thinking, denial…

Where scripture comes in is the emphasis given to the fact that God finds creation all “good”! The Divine Son confirms that it was for him, and by virtue of our relationship to Jesus Christ, for all humanity that creation came into being.

We cannot exist in our existing human form outside of creation.

The prophets use ‘nature’ to emphasize two important facts: God’s benevolence and God-in-charge. Isaiah especially uses imagery from nature to explain God’s action in the world. We have interpreted scripture in terms of moral behaviour; behaviour primarily towards others and God: relationships! We make this mistake, both now and historically, of not using our responsibility for the earth and all that God found ‘good’ for the greater glory of God. Rather, erroneously interpreting the gift as: for the enrichment of self!

Our error is in thinking that everything belongs to us and the original intention of the Creator was relegated to second place. We got the cart before the horse. Ironic that religion probably came into being and developed because of humanity’s inability to predict nature.

Since the time of Moses and the Decalogue, we can look back and ask: How have we loved the Creator with all our heart and all our souls, which Jesus Christ emphasized?

We effectively slapped God in the face and misused the Name of God. The Name does not simply denote the ‘person’ of God but all that came into being with humanity as the crown! The being of God is in all that God created.

Copenhagen December 2009. At this most important gathering yet, in the history of humanity, around the state of our accountability to creation (i.e. to the Creator), what are the values driving the actions? Seems to me it boils down to only one value behind all the rhetoric: how much will it cost? What will it cost?

That is Mammon responding to what belongs to God.

Even if a miracle occurred and all the major nations involved could agree that they owe it to the equality of life for every living creature, (never mind any possible future generations), what could be done to reverse the crises? What solution could be found that benefited everyone clinging to life today?

We chose a path many moons ago – blindly - and only God has the solution. Who willingly in the New Testament healed the blind? What does that say to us TODAY?

If one thinks of the earth as the womb of humanity it is becoming a most dangerous place for creatures to be. It is the greed and selfishness of man (the male) that has brought this about. Women are also responsible for the omission in standing up and voicing responsibility as companions to men. Women, generally, have a greater formative power on the values that are imbued by their children.

Someone wrote: We do not think ourselves into a new way of living; we live our way into a new way of thinking. I would say to all who have crucial decisions to make regarding climate change: you do not talk yourselves into a new way of living; you act your way into a better way of thinking and being (leadership and leaders).

Where are the pro-lifers in all this? What are our religious leaders and teachers saying and doing? What can doctors, scientists and other professors do besides provide a band-aid, factual information or philosophies?

We need a prophet, yet we Christians should know that the last of the prophets is the Divine Son of God. We don’t want to hear His message of love; it would show, in reality, that we are powerless without God.

This reflection was born out of Isaiah, chapter 45.

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